there is a certain peacefulness to today with me…
…LACK of shopping. while i admittedly shop like a chick i don’t have an xmas shopping list that warrants bum-rushing the mall at 4am the day after turkey day to get the best deal of the big ticket items. i actually don’t have an xmas list that requires ANY big ticket items. when you have no kids, spouse, or even significant other, and next to no family (and that that you buy for resolved to gift cards years ago due to household clutter) there’s really no rush for me to get out and about…
…which is a good thing, ’cause last night is kind of…well…blurry.
i know i was a good kid yesterday – i drove to the gym pre-turkey meal, got a good workout on, and went to the restaurant debating putting the top down to enjoy the unusually mild temperatures…and i wish i had, ’cause by the time i got out of hill’s cafe the temperatures had turned from mild to…well…fall if not winter. and so it has stayed. then i came home to do the badder santa holiday kickoff thing, got into the bushmill’s (amongst other things) and…well…then slept (crappy) for thirteen hours and as of now still feel a little…off.
in many ways a great party…in a few ways not so much.
i tried the gym this morning but between mental disconnection and blisters on my hands from yard work that just wasn’t happening…so i went and got breakfast and here we are. typing away, and doing the opposite of most of america – waiting for money to APPEAR in my bank account from two flawed transactions (word to the wise – if you file against somebody on paypal for non-shipment it can take a WHILE. like almost a month kind of WHILE.) versus watching it disappear as i pay pennies on the dollar for electronics ’cause i was willing to buy them in the wee hours. y’all have fun with that…i’m gonna go be one with the couch and nurse a mexican coke.