so, last week, i purged my facebook list of “friends”…
…had 340, now sitting at 179. not sure if i’m done editing yet. but at least in eleven months i won’t see a influx of graduation pictures. now don’t get me wrong – if your kid made it through high school (which people my age have kids that have) or college that’s worthy of a picture or two up on the ol’ FB. hell, i might even comment (probably something to the effect of “way to make me feel all sorts of old and shit” unless you’re WAY older than me).
but putting pictures of your kids PRE-K graduation?
or third grade graduation?
seriously, what the fuck?
since when does EVERY fucking grade need a graduation? are you afraid they won’t make it all the way and don’t want to rob them of the experience? if so, that’s bullshit logic – graduation should be a reward you EARN. twelve years of school, you’ve earned it. not even in (or barely crawled through) kindergarten? you haven’t earned SHIT.
deal with it.
i don’t get why every grade has to have a graduation – do kids need to be coddled THAT much these days? did we go from “generation x” to “generation y” to “generation pussy”? i mean, they get to celebrate every year they complete in school, they never keep score on sports so nobody feels like a loser…what kind of sense of entitlement are you trying to give these lil’ bastards, anyway?