the title of this bit is NOT to be taken literally…
…although i guess if you’re in arkansas it might be acceptable? i dunno – i just know that i realized after i posted my lame-ass monday bit that i didn’t talk about mother’s day, and i ALWAYS talk about mother’s day – and since the mother’s day bit was posting on hump day the title seemed like a natural…
…that was SO not worth the journey. let’s move on quickly.
mother’s day was touchy for me for years – at first for the obvious reasons of mom not being around any more, but i still had the matriarchs (my grandmothers). then mom’s mom passed, and then in december of 2k7 so did dad’s mom. while i absolutely HATE nursing homes, so not going to one in the early summer heat was a good thing, not having anyone to visit in them anymore wasn’t such a good thing.
back between grandmother’s passings i hit the decade mark on momless mother’s days and it occured to me that maybe it was healthier to let that shit go and spend the day having fun, the way mom would always LET us do after the obligatory meal with relatives when i was a kid.
so, that’s what i did – ‘cept minus the playground, and plus the beer, brots, and latina eye candy at the river with shane and his brother.
hell, i even squeezed in a workout, which ended up being my LONE workout for the week as of this writing (sad, but true) but i’ll make up for it tomorrow and friday, i’m figuring. of course, i figured i’d make it yesterday until a wonderful ME afternoon combined with a wardrobe malfunction (on my end, not hers, and not nearly severe enough to be comedic) and so i just ended up at a bar…
…who’s shocked there?
so, if you’re like me, and your mother’s days are motherless (or the holiday depresses you for some other reason) celebrate their lives with beers, brots, and latina eye candy at a body of water somewhere. worked for me – it can work for you, too!