the last comment posted on an entry here mentioned my book and that the entry in question would fit in their nicely…
…well, the last comment that was posted by an actual reader – not the twenty-some-odd comments i get a day out of russia containing forty-something links to naked celeb pics, bootleg microsoft software, mexican viagra (i just use tequila for that) or whatever. but never mind all that now – god bless that spam filter kramer installed.
this time last year i’d given up on the book. hell, i’d even given up on the site. when the fatcow folks had a payment bounce rather than contact me (which lord knows, as they have one email on file and actually manage my other account there was no excuse not to) they just unceremoniously erased 1,471 entries (i made that number up, but it’s pretty close) and i decided i was just done. let them fade off (the old entries, that is) and i’d just gracefully exit stage left. the entries for the last couple years weren’t nearly as good (in my opinion) and readership was way down, so i just said, “fuck it”.
but some habits are hard to break…plus, ME is really pretty and asked me not to. so, here we are.
i was able to save about four hundred entries on a flash drive, and i think i found a mac formatted disc that has some other classic nuggets on it (i just need to put it in my car so it’s handy next time kramer and i are in the same room) and we might be able to make this a reality. lord knows, with my current job status, i have the time. i actually wrote the first chapter the way i wanted to ages ago, so i might have to pull that up, re-examine, and see if it “inspires” me. i’ll keep you posted, as it were – maybe it’ll be out in time for xmas?