so the other day i did a pre-emptive strike that freaked sprint out…
…i called to make a promise to pay BEFORE they cut me off.
it’s one of those bills that, sue me, i forget to pay every so often. and when you do, they cut you off – and charge you for getting it turned back on. they also then make both your past due AND your current due “past due” so if you only pay the past due amount you still owe them the current bill (that typically wouldn’t be due for another three weeks or so) and so three days after you’ve paid what you thought was your bill your phone gets shut off again…
…that’s fucked up.
so tuesday i called to let them know they’d get paid friday after i realized the bill had come due over the previous weekend. this caught the girl off guard, as she said typically that doesn’t happen. but it was my name that REALLY through her off.
my first name is “michael”, although i’ve never gone by it. don’t ask me why. my parents had always called me “sean” (i figure less sylables equates to being able to yell it with “stop that” as the suffix more quickly) and i can actually remember before my first day at kindergarten my mom asking me if i wanted to switch to “michael” so that all the kids would call me that. i said something to the effect of, “if sean’s good enough for you guys to call me it, it’s good enough for them…” and i’ve been “sean” ever since.
most bills, however, come in the first name, so when i call bill folk i tend to just give my full name – which is where my sprint call got interesting…turns out the girl i was talking to (in west virginia – who knew it was still legal to have customer care call centers in the us?) was sleeping with a guy from work named “sean”…but her BOYFRIEND (whom she lived with) was named “michael”. she then kept me on the phone for another fifteen or twenty minutes telling me the story of how this came about and how, as a result, my name brought a smile to her face…
…why do random people feel compelled to tell me this shit?