tuesday too smart for my own good bit

i admit, the title is a bit pompous…

…but then again, so am i – so what are ya gonna do?

due to recent toll road construction (i would assume) they have dropped the speed limit from 65 mph to 55 mph for a good part of the commute (13 of the 28 miles) between austin and lockhart. at first i was infuriated, as i will drive as fast as i can typically everywhere i go…particularly over long distances that i know like the back of my hand. i was more so when i drove home at 1:45am saturday surrounded by all the “55 mph – ROAD CONSTRUCTION ZONE – FINES DOUBLE WHEN WORKERS PRESENT” and “WARNING – NIGHT CONTSTRUCTION – 4/30 – 5/31 7pm – 7am” signs and there was NO construction. no workers. no nothing – just a bunch of signs and my ass puttering along at sixty instead of seventy…when you go that slow, you have time to think. to ponder.

to do math.

at sixty miles an hour traversing that thirteen mile slow stretch takes thirteen minutes (easy math there). but at the previous seventy miles an hour it took just over eleven minutes (11 min, 13 sec by my nearest guess) – so my late night, bleary-eyed, “lord just get my ass to the house” commute only takes an extra one minute and forty-seven seconds…which i guess ain’t bad.

but it’s the principle of the thing…so i’m still kinda pissed.

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