the empty boat

well, it seems my vacation will be an empty boat…

…or, “crüe-less”, if you prefer.

see, i’m off work today. and tomorrow. and the day after. two days after that since it’s the weekend and all. but it had a purpose. ya see, i am well removed from the metal phase i went through in junior high, but don’t see the occasional flashback as a bad thing – and one of the bands on “the list” – bands which i’ve wanted to see live but never gotten to see live – is mötley crüe, who play what i think will be their last texas date with all four original members tonight in mcallen, texas.

unlike most of the other “final tours” i think this will do it due to the degenerative illness of the guitar player, who is pretty sick – and not meant in a fun way. and the guys i used to work with at star control the venue through their newest business venture and secured me fourth row floor tickets…

…which is pretty fucking sweet.

so, alex and i were gonna go – until she actually scored a job through a temp agency. then i was gonna go solo, renting a car (and getting insurance, which i am currently without) until a $750 home a/c repair and the incident got in the way of that. then it was gonna be my buddy mike & me, till rita blew in and blew a tree down on his dad’s house. then it was gonna be n8 and i, but he had an emergency root canal that had to happen today, and finally my old friend steven, who ended up scheduled for mandatory overtime at work. being a wednesday, and five hours away, finding that many options was amazing, but that about summed it.

so, i guess it just wasn’t meant to be. gonna call and cancel the tickets (and put in a request for a shirt) in just a bit. and i have three days with not a damn thing to do. we’ll just chalk it up to decompression time and call it at that, shall we?

2018 note – i didn’t get a shirt, but did a souvenir pass to show me i coulda gotten backstage (fuckers). i did end up seeing em twice after this…once in 2006 with alex and my friend tina (that went sloppy, but it’s a long story) and again from fifth row floor (close enough) for what WAS actually their second to last texas performance in 2015 in san antonio…

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