must be laundry day…

i don’t typically buy in bulk OR start my own conspiracy theories…

…but in this bit i kinda do both.

i don’t know when i last bought laundry detergent. i don’t mean that in a “i always smell” way – just that last time it was bought i did what i always do…bought the biggest fuck-all container they make. i believe it said “ninety-six” loads on it…and i do TRUE loads. it’s not like my ex, where one shirt would constitute a load if it was needed to make tomorrow’s ensemble look adorable for the office. if it ain’t a full load, it can wait.

sue me for being practical.

so the last time i bought the big jug o’ tide it was huge and ran me just south of twenty bucks. i just bought more this week (i swear for the first time since alex and i split over a year ago) and now the same amount of loads is in a jug HALF the size and tide (along with all the other leading detergents of the land) claim to be “ultra-concentrated” so you now need “half as much”.

but for the same price that used to buy you twice as much.

my mom (rest her soul) used to tell me to always use HALF of what the detergent bottle (or box, if using powder – which i did till calum, rest his soul, ate half a box ’cause you can’t reseal them like the bottles…suprisingly he lived another decade and some change after doing so) and that’s why my last big jug o’ tide lasted over a year. NOW they tell us you can use half as much, so they sell you half as much, and claim that it’s “ultra-concentrated”?

talk about a scam. or laundrering money.

okay, that last one was just bad – i admit.

but is anyone buying this (figuratively, not literally?)