i fought the tree (a different one, actually) but still think i won!

hopefully i won’t be able to post pics that look like this again for a while:

tree 1 tree 2

i have talked about this one in every tree bit i’ve done over the last year, and i think even in some that weren’t about tree issues – the “looming doom” of this huge branch that hung over the corner of the house AND the malibu. this would be it – grounded itself about 6am thursday morning, which sucked ’cause for some reason (those reasons being boredom and wine, i think) i passed out about 9:45 wednesday night only to wake up drenched in sweat and wide awake…at 11:30pm. passed back out just after midnight and copper woke me around 2:30am, and i didn’t fall back asleep till around 3:15, then this at six.

not good.

only damage i found so far with the house was a squirrel hole that got enlarged as the branch snagged it on the way down:

trim pic

so that’ll be covered in hardware cloth by the time you read this and the wood replaced after i get paid…looking at how the bark had peeled back i knew this was coming:

bark pic

but i couldn’t get high enough to cut it where i felt it needed to go so i just had to wait for nature to take its course – missing the camaro just barely…

between pic

and sending a tiny bit of shrapnel (literally tiny) on the bmw:

bm shrap

but at least i don’t have to worry about it coming down again – and unlike the last branch to fall on the malibu, which was smaller but more of a “direct hit” i don’t see any dents off this one – so now i just have to try and get this car rolling again or sell it as a parts car. but the fear i always had on windy days where i would back the camaro in further and pull the bmw damn near into the kitchen is behind me, so that’s good. now by st. patrick’s my goal is for the ufc to be able to park next to the bmw in the carport!

the after party (or “aftermath”, do be more accurate…

so the good news? i was right on the bit above (which was written right before going outside to take that beast apart with a chainsaw) in that there were no dents to be found on the malibu – but there WAS a cracked windshield…doh! on the upside it only took forty minutes to turn what you saw above into this:
