was he gay or a chick?

that’s what i always asked myself about “tweety bird” from “looney tunes”…

…and for all the world, that’s the little yellow fucker i think of when i hear the verb of somebody “tweeting” something.

i actually have a twitter account, i just never use it. i can’t remember the password, as i think i only used the account once, and when i go to have them send me the password they’re apparently sending it to some archaic email i forget i have ’cause both gmails and both yahoos AND my hotmail all hit my phone and it ain’t going to any of them, and i checked the one off this site and it’s not there, either, so i have no idea where i set that up to go but it alludes me.

these things happen.

this all came about because (i will assume) kramer added the little “tweet” button on the side of all the entries (probably just the latest version of wordpress, i’d reckon) and people started asking how they could follow the whore on twitter, or if the whore was even ON twitter, or what have you. apparently if i want to use the feature i have to put in a special bit on the side of my writing screen and then it creates a custom tweet about the page.

ain’t that tweet?

well, the whore isn’t on twitter, and as i don’t think i’ve EVER done an entry that was 140 characters or less (the twitter requirement if i remember correctly), but in the course of this i did figure out what i’m “followed” as (“m_sean_m”) so if i get six followers or so i’ll start putting stuff on there, too. find me, follow me, and we’ll get our “twitter” on…

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  • Evie Feb 22, 2011 @ 13:18


  • sean Feb 23, 2011 @ 14:24

    READ what, exactly?