this one is ACTUALLY about what you might have thought the last “my nutz” bit was about…
…hence, no pictures.
as summer turns to autumn and the leaves turn and the weather gets colder and the job search / house situation gets bleaker a series of random events made my (somewhat) lonely ass decide i need to guarantee i stay somewhat lonely permanently in one sense of the phrase…
…i’m thinking of having a vasectomy.
two things should be brought up before i go any further:
1. shane, if i do go through with this it totally negates our bet so you won’t owe me $1,000.00 for me making it to fifty unmarried and childless. that’s lawyer ball and i won’t have any part of it!
2. it won’t happen till i get a job with some insurance, although i’m not sure this is a procedure that would be covered by insurance.
here’s the deal: through some odd events the other weekend i ended up, on many seperate occasions, exposed to lots of kids. LOTS of kids. and i don’t mean “exposed” in the “show me on the doll where the bad man touched you” sort of way – i was just around them. in restaurants. in bars (no kidding). in tattoo shops (STILL, believe it or not, NOT kidding) and i came to a conclusion that i’ve always kinda knew was there, but it beat me over the head this time: i don’t like kids.
now, for all my friends with kids, i should point out i don’t mind YOUR kids. for the most part i’ve been blessed with f.w.k. (friends with kids) where the kids are cool…but when i get tired of them (as i inevitably do) i can go home and be kid-free. that fact would be ruined if that feeling kicked in and i had to turn to MY kid and say, “okay, let’s go home….”. that’s like being full and taking leftovers home that NEVER go away…
…not my thing.
plus i’m thirty-eight. at this point if i found somebody, got married, had a kid (not particularly in that order, but ideally so) i would be sitting at a high school graduation for my kid at the age of SIXTY. that has ZERO appeal for me!
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A little extreme, IMO. You could still get married and have a kid… an adopted older one, who would graduate from high school during your 40s or 50s. I agree with you, kids suck… unless they’re your own.
Well, I don’t think a Vasectomy is that expensive. With insurance it is just the mere co-pay well, and a co-pay to the guy who gives you the drugs! I think it is an excellent call and a great reassurance to staying childless. Don’t need an oopsie.
If marriage is in your future – enjoy your wife!!