food for thought friday

“you can’t believe everything you see on the internet…”

we’ve all heard that a hundred times – and i saw something on a blog that i thought was bogus, even though it included a submitted picture. “text had to be altered”, i said…no way it’s real. and it still might not be – ’cause the only proof that this photo, of a shoe review on zappos, was real was to go ON THE INTERNET to zappos and see for myself, and it was there. here’s the review…

now at this point you might be thinking, “i’ve bought from them and had similar a similar experience – great prices, service and shipping. she got something for her little seven year old girl and was pleased…what’s the big deal?”

valid question…the shoe in question is named (’cause all shoes have to have names in this day and age) “zesty”. here’s the logo of the company who makes it…

okay, now a couple of you might start to wonder – doesn’t exactly have that innocent girl, hannah montana vibe to it, does it? so, without further delay, the shoe in question…
…wait for it…
…almost there…

can you believe that shit? for a fucking SEVEN year old? are you fucking kidding me? even if “mom” (put in quotes for damn good reason) accidentally left off the “teen” and the end of “seven” that’s still pretty fucked up. shit, even if she forgot a “twenty” at the begining instead it’s fucked up. ME, you turn twenty-seven in a week or so (at least that’s the story i’m sticking to) – how fucked up would it be if your MOM bought you these?

(lest any response be geared towards “outfit coordination delimma, they are also available in metallic silver and patent leather white or black – i just picked what i thought was the most tasteless looking color for this bit)

if it’s for a seven year old it should be a crime. seriously. if you don’t get help at c.p.s. get help somewhere. and if it’s seventeen? only one more year until…