
some days i wish i was mathematically challenged…

…and last wednesday comes to mind.

i was “off”. i put it in quotes because apparently i wasn’t. i thought i was. the schedule said i was, and seeing as how i wrote the fucking thing i tend to believe it. but apparently i wasn’t “off” because, after a nice family day with the ufc and her kid, i ended up having to work for an hour and a half on my way home ’cause some balls got dropped and not in that fun way…

…wait – what would the “fun way” be? okay, never mind.

as i was driving home a couple hours later than planned i started doing the math here…i work, on average, just over three hours of overtime a week, but always round down to three or the closest hour; i’ve been tracking this just in case i get some grief or the “you can make up the hours…” speech when i take a weekend off (my first since halloween of 2011) to go to my cousin’s wedding at the end of this month.

but something occurred to me…

…if you work forty hour weeks (as most do) you work 160 hours in a month – and with fifty-two weeks in a year with three extra hours and some change in work per week i work over 160 hours, or one full month, for free since i’m on salary.

i know i love my job and all, but a month for free per year? we may have to negotiate this come my “annual review” in january…or will it be “sean-u-ary”, that phantom thirteenth month where i work but there’s no check?