is it just me and the ufc that didn’t know about this?

i should be counting out fat stacks of green backs right about now…

…but i’m not. why? ’cause i was supposed to go get said “greenbacks” on “easter monday”, which i didn’t even know was “a thing”.

and neither did she. and apparently we’re alone in our ignorance of the latest example of lazy american life?

when i was a kid easter was ONE day – and that day started with an easter egg hunt (so you got all sorts of sugary goodness) and then went downhill with church followed by some long, drawn out family meal that started late enough to make me feel my guts were imploding, then came excellent, all be it fairly bland, food and sparkling conversation that was dominated by mom and uncle arthur arguing about some detail of some aspect of life in harrington park, new jersey, which they had left back in nineteen and fifty one.


but the point is it was ONE day. the only reason i even knew as a child what “good friday” meant was due to lockhart’s large, and predominantly catholic, population. but it wasn’t a holiday in the sense that we were out of school or the mail didn’t come or something – it was just one of those numerous holidays that might be on your mom’s “national geographic flowers of the serengeti” calendar but not on your star wars one.

but easter monday? never saw that one coming.

i have three calendars in the house – a “girls of monster” one the energy drink folks sent me, but that has no holidays listed. i have an H2Ocean one from the tattoo aftercare folks in the office, but it only lists “major” holidays like christmas and shit…and this time the “and shit” stands for every major tattoo convention in america, which is handy for when my folks are gonna go work one so i can remember when they are (i don’t go to them ’cause…well…honestly they kind of bore me). the “H2…” one reminded me today was april fool’s day (“today” as in when i’m writing this, i know you’re reading it a day later at best) and while i was half tempted to write some junk bit about this site going away or going gay porn (which thanks to kramer’s naming skills before i took it over would almost be feasible) to go along with joke mails like the one that just came in from redbox talking about they would start stocking lunch meat for snacking on movie nights in their machines but opted not to.

then it occurred to me – i wonder if the whole “easter monday” thing was a big april fool’s joke? but then i flipped the page on the cheapo harley calendar i got from walgreen’s back in the bedroom and there it was – “Easter Monday (Canada)”. what the fuck? did we go canadian (eh?) and nobody told me?